Resettlement coaching

Several people have asked me lately about what I do to help people adjust to their home country. Or they weren’t clear that it is something I do. So I thought I would try to spell it out in a blog so you have a clearer idea. Re-entry or resettlement coaching is about accompanying you […]
Reframe your re-entry

What do you think of when you hear the word “re-entry”? What does it signal to you? The end of an adventure? A new beginning? Something you don’t really want to do? A relief? Your attitude towards re-entry has an impact on how you experience it. So I want to suggest that sometimes you need […]
Re-entry is exhausting

Let me say that again, just in case you missed it. Re-entry is exhausting! So many of my clients have said to me how tired they are, months after coming home. In fact it’s not at all uncommon for people to find themselves still struggling with fatigue 18 months in. I don’t say that to […]
Finding support during re-entry

It’s already been firmly established that re-entry is not the easiest of transitions (understatement). The vast majority of the 200 people who completed our survey faced common issues during re-entry: grieving and missing their life abroad, feeling a loss of identity, restless, unsettled, and misunderstood. When you go on an overseas posting, most people now […]
What you told us about your feelings in re-entry

I recently carried out a survey with some other re-entry coaches to find out what your struggles are in re-entry. We had over 200 responses! We looked at the range of feelings experienced and coping strategies used by expats from many different sectors (mission, Non-Governmental Organisations, corporate, educators, students, military and accompanying spouses). I’ll soon […]